Zebulun Week 6

Week 6 – Your Focus — You Fall In Love with What You Focus On

What a great week falling in love with God! He gave us such sweet cool weather in July! We love God! We love His skies and weather! We love learning about His creation!

Gentle Mama Cloud came in for a visit along with her companion Moonraker. Cat let each girl hold and cuddle the quiet little Dove. Moonraker, a short haired collie, and Mama Cloud are friends and she will land on his back. Mama Cloud has laid hundreds of eggs and takes care of them. Doves eat bird food and grated cheese. They can learn to deposit in a specific place for easy clean up. Susan brought Mama Cloud’s parents, Jerome & Shalom because they were nesting she did not take them out of their carrier so their family would not be disturbed. The doves coo and people enjoy the peacefulness they feel when they hear soft bird sounds. Susan also showed us Rock Doves that are great flyers who use magnetics to find their way home. Rock Doves are not to be handled so they wont be distracted from flying home. She released 7 Rock Doves and we watched them fly in a few circles before they got their bearings and started flying home. Susan said they would be there when she got home if they did not meet a hawk.

The excitement was building this week as we made decorations at camp and the mamas at home baked for the Zebulun/Asher Tea Party at Mrs. Tiffany’s house. The beautiful fabrics were swishing and plastic china clicking as we daintily enjoyed the treats. Mrs.. Monica taught us a Jewish Folk dance called Tea & Rice. Sweet classical tunes floated from the house as we reclined on the lawn for quiet time. We looked to the skies and marveled at God’s creation.

What comes next? Look for a clue! The amazing junior counselors of Zebulun made a scavenger hunt for the girls. Little troops were running around looking for clues and following instructions to the next. Ending up with goodie bags. Fun! Our Junior counselors love these girls!

We were honored to lead all camp devo this week and share our Zebulun Ships pictures and scriptures with everyone. Look at the What’s Ap group for videos. Genesis 49: 13 “Zebulun will live by the seashore and become a have nor ships…”
There were angels dancing on the lawn to the sweet sounds of Arise and Shine, by Miley Barcus and City of God, by Michael Shamblin We taught Tea and Rice to the other girls and danced in a big group. All the white dresses looked angelic.

This week was a beautiful, fun time to fall in love with God!