Remnant Fellowship Members Experience the True Joy of Giving

Happy Flooring VolunteersAt Remnant Fellowship Church, we have been taught to love God with all our heart, soul, mind & strength and to live out the example given by God in the life of Jesus Christ.  Exodus Contruction is just one example of a ministry of this church which is doing just that.  By putting this scripture in I Timothy 6:18 into practice, “Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share” these Saints are finding the true joy of giving and having a great time!

On a weekly basis, we have approximately 30 volunteers ranging in age from elementary aged children to experienced saints who give of their time and energy to help others with physical needs that they have at their homes.  Whether Saints are painting, plumbing  or working on floors- the fellowship is sweet and they leave more encouraged than when they came!  Read this quote by Jonathan Walters, one of the many volunteers this week:

“It is a true joy to be able to serve.  We are part of such an amazing church and community!  During these times it is so encouraging to be together and to use our gifts.  The friendships, the sharing of what God is doing, talking about answered prayers, praying together, and being encouraged…. It is what I want to be spending time doing and doesn’t feel like work at all.  Instead it is a joyful time of fellowship and a time to strengthen my friendships and grow my relationship with God. I feel so blessed to have learned here how to find the true joy of giving, and it is sweet to see how all of our needs are being met.”   – Jonathan Walters