Remnant Fellowship – Physical Needs

Remnant Fellowship Angels Armoire

Remnant Fellowship Construction ServicesWhen GOD is absolutely, without question the NUMBER ONE priority in our lives, the unity that this produces amongst His Body is astounding. The members of this Church are becoming more and more selfless each and every day. Because the message of this Church and Ministry has set us free from so much sin and pain and despair, we literally cannot WAIT to help meet someone ELSE’S needs! This congregation works so well together in meeting one another’s PHYSICAL NEEDS. It truly is amazing to watch what simply happens naturally when someone needs help with moving, painting, housework, running errands, meeting financial needs, preparing meals, etc. Storm CleanupHowever, as we have ORGANIZED our resources and the physical gifts of the Saints, what is accomplished is nothing short of miraculous! When a physical need is shared, it is met within MINUTES in many cases. Only GOD…working through selfless Saints…can accomplish such amazing tasks in record time! We currently have our Physical Needs coordinated into the following efficient and effective categories: Food Distribution/Food Bank, Automobile Services, Job Placement, Financial & Legal Guidance and Assistance, Angels Armoire Clothing Consignment, Handyman Construction Services, Welcome Committee, and Local Moves. As you can see, with this many areas of organization, our members find their needs met quickly, with great care, and with lots of fun fellowship opportunities along the way as the Saints work together!